From Jewelry Sketch to CAD3D Jewelry Model: making a jewelry masterpiece from your idea

Techniques taking your idea from Jewelry Sketch to CAD3D Jewelry Model

Wizards who make Jewelry Sketch to CAD3D Jewelry Model

Not long ago a three-dimensional computer image seemed to be something fantastic. Lately 3D modeling has been used not only in animation and computer games, but also in science, medicine, architecture and in jewelry production.

3D jewelry modelers can “bring to life” any ideas of artists . Our CAD jewelry specialists are real wizards who blur the boundaries between two-dimensional and three-dimensional space.

We have unique skilled CAD jewelry designers, who know how to work with the latest computer programs and know the technology of jewelry production. They can bring any complexity Jewelry Sketch to CAD3D Jewelry Model.

When I first came into this field about 10 years ago, 3D modeling in jewelry production was still at its infancy. It was interesting to observe how 3D models of jewelry products from the simplest and most primitive were  becoming more complex and beautiful. Now I can say with much confidence that I was not mistaken with the choice of my profession and the business I do is very much loved.

3D jewelry designers are wizards  who begin the difficult, but very interesting process of turning a drawn sketch into a real piece of jewelry

Process of turning Jewelry Sketch to CAD3D Jewelry Model

If you think of the artist’s sketch as the final stage of making jewelry, you are mistaken. In order for the jewelry piece drawn on paper to be turned out the way the artist intended, the creation of its three-dimensional model takes place in close cooperation with the 3D jewelry designer.

After receiving a detailed drawing, the jewelry designer uploads it to a 3D editing program. Then with the help of various program tools and techniques the jewelry piece is turned into a volumetric copy of the sketch drawn by the artist.

In some programs the basic sketch of the jewelry model resembles a piece of plasticine, in other programs 3D images are created using lines and polygons. In order to fully convey the artist’s idea, a 3D jewelry modeling specialist may overlay a transparent sketch on the 3D image directly in the program. This technique allows the jewelry designer to repeat each line with great precision and make the model into a very accurate replica of the initial sketch.

In the process of work, many adjustments are made to the 3D jewelry model, such as addition or removal of individual elements. The author of the jewelry sketch evaluates the design from the point of view of the overall aesthetic impression, but all the technical nuances are controlled by the 3D jewelry modeling artist.

Jewelry Sketch to CAD3D Jewelry Model

Creation of jewelry from Jewelry Sketch to CAD3D Jewelry Model

Creativity of our talented jewelry designers allows us to accurately embody the original idea with the help of programs and tools. The most difficult thing is to convey “naturalness”, meaning an abstract model is easier to make than, for example, a jewelry model with floral motifs. But this is when new technologies come to our aid – if it doesn’t work in one program, we can try to do it in another. CAD jewelry designers should focus not only on the sketch, but also take into account some technical details in the process of  turning the work from Jewelry Sketch to CAD3D Jewelry Model, without which it will be simply impossible to cast a piece of jewelry in gold or silver. These parameters include, for example, the thickness of the metal, the diameter of the stones, their placement, etc. The good thing is that there is always an opportunity to correct and modify a 3D jewelry model without spoiling the initial drawing.

The program allows you to predict in advance possible “pitfalls” and correct shortcomings that may appear when casting a jewelry product in metal. This makes it possible to manufacture jewelry of the most unusual designs.

When the CAD jewelry model is complete and approved it is transferred for prototyping – that is, creating a real, not a virtual model of jewelry using 3D polymer or wax printer. Before the advent of modern equipment, designers made a prototype of a future product by hand, which took much more time and effort. In addition, 3D printing allows you to reveal the smallest flaws that are simply impossible to notice in sketches. Before going to casting, the resulting polymer or wax prototype is once again finalized and only then moves onto the production stage.

Jewelry Sketch to CAD3D Jewelry Model1

If you want us to make a special and unique design of custom ring or other piece of jewelry, please feel free to contact us:

Phone: 858-444-6308
San Diego, California USA